Welcome to the knowledge base of Coach Reinke’s Mind!

Imagine a world where sports aren’t just about winning and losing but about unlocking the potential within each athlete. That’s the journey I’ve been on. I have been coaching various sports and watching the evolution of athletes from grade school all the way to college. From team sports to individual pursuits, and even delving into the realm of strength training and powerlifting. Every step of this adventure has been filled with awe-inspiring moments.

But let me make one thing clear: I’m not your typical coach. You won’t catch me just barking orders or resorting to old-school tough love tactics. My coaching philosophy is rooted in something much more powerful—building connections and celebrating every triumph, big or small. Whether it’s the exhilaration of smashing a personal record, dominating on the field, or securing that game-winning move in the final seconds. The athletes connect when the emotions are real.

Gone are the days of the stern, unapproachable coach. Today, it’s all about understanding each athlete’s unique journey and tailoring the approach accordingly. Because let’s face it, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to motivation and guidance. Here on this site, I’ll be sharing my insights, tips, and tricks from my years of competition and coaching experience. From breaking down techniques to recounting memorable moments on the field.

So, whether you’re a parent seeking guidance for your aspiring athlete, a player looking to take your game to the next level or a coach looking to try something new, welcome aboard! Together, let’s embark on a journey of growth, inspiration, and above all, fun.